TANJUNGPINANG - A fisherman from Bintan Regency, Riau Islands (Kepri), Azhar (58) drowned in Bintan waters and was found dead by the joint SAR team on Wednesday at around 08.15 WIB. Head of Tanjungpinang SAR Office Slamet Riyadi said the victim was found about 1 kilometer from the location. accident incident. According to him, the victim has been evacuated to a funeral home in Teluk Bakau Village, Gunung Kijang District, Bintan for burial. "With the discovery of the victim, the search and rescue operation is declared complete and closed," said Slamet in Bintan, Wednesday, March 2. a report from the head of the RT in Teluk Bakau Sapar that a fisherman on behalf of Azhar went missing while looking for fish in local coastal waters, Tuesday (1/3), at around 16.00 WIB. "Tuesday night, we received the report," said Slamet. After receiving the report, he continued, the joint SAR team immediately went to the scene to look for victims at around 22.50 WIB. . "The victim was only found this morning, in a dead condition," said Slamet.

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