SURABAYA - Video of senior students at the State University of Surabaya (Unesa) getting angry when new students' aspects virtually went viral on social media.

Head of the Unesa Public Relations Unit, Vinda Maya Setianingrum, admitted the incident at the New Student Campus Life Introduction (PKKMB). This virtual orientation was held with the implementation submitted to the Student Executive Board (Faculty).

"From Tuesday to Friday, each faculty has used Zoom, some have live YouTube, some are not (live). We give freedom to each faculty, whether to live or not, "said Vinda to reporters, Tuesday, September 15.

At the Faculty of Education (FIP), the ospek committee chooses to live on Youtube so that it can be accessed by the public. Here there was an 'angry' action against new female students.

The seniors snapped at the new students who weren't wearing belts. This video clip went viral on social media.

"Where is your belt?" said the male senior student.

Other BEM FIP Unesa members immediately replied, asking new students to show their belts.

"No, sis," said this new student.

This answer was responded by female senior students. "Nothing ... I didn't read the rules," he said.

For not wearing a belt, this new student apologized. But the senior students keep nagging. "Sorry ... sorry," said the man in response to the new student.

Vinda admitted that the PKKMB material was discipline on campus, namely clothing habits. The ospek committee called Vinda gave an incorrect warning.

"Only, maybe the way is not right, so it looks like hazing," said Vinda.

Therefore, Unesa conducted a PKKMB evaluation. Unesa did not want verbal violence during PKKMB.

"We agree that as an educational institution it does not allow violence, and deeply regret the existence of violence both directly and online," said Vinda.

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