JAKARTA - Now many traders from traditional markets in Bandung are hunting for packaged cooking oil at retail stores or mini markets because of scarcity.

President Director of PD Pasar Bandung Herry Hermawan said that the condition of traders in traditional markets was currently running out of cooking oil stocks, both bulk cooking oil and packaged (premium) cooking oil.

"That's why if they run to retail stores, that's normal, because they want to sell those necessities, although still, the thing called supervision must sell at the highest retail price," said Herry in Bandung, West Java, Wednesday, February 23, quoted from Antara. .

Currently, only four markets have received bulk cooking oil stocks following market operations from the Ministry of Trade. Meanwhile, according to him, the stock of packaged cooking oil is not available in traditional markets.

"The packaged cooking oil does not enter the market, the stock is not dropped in the market, it is distributed to retail, that is the problem," said Herry.

Herry said the problem would arise if the stock of packaged cooking oil in retail stores was actually hunted and consumed by market traders. As a result, he said, people will find it difficult to get cooking oil.

"That's why we always ask the ministry to ask for immediate assistance, both in bulk and in packaging to be imported into traditional markets, just do it the same," he said.

"Because if you don't equate it, then there will be a phenomenon of market traders queuing up at retail stores, it's not the same with mothers," he added.

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