JAKARTA – The appointment of Hercules to become a member of the Perumda Pasar Jaya has been in the spotlight of various parties. This is because Hercules is a person who is respected by the community because of a number of reports in the mass media. Acting (Plt.) Head of DKI Jakarta Regional Owned Enterprise Development Agency (BP BUMD), Riyadi spoke up.

Regarding the appointment of Rosario de Marshall alias Hercules, Riyadi said that it was the authority of the board of directors, not the authority of BP BUMD.

"The appointment of HR under the board of directors is under the authority of the board of directors, including salary arrangements. The assessment is the authority of the board of directors. I will clarify that the existing news is not the authority of BP-BUMD, it is the authority that has been delegated to the board of directors," said Riyadi, quoted by CNNIndonesia, Wednesday, February 23.

In addition to the appointment of Hercules, Muhammad Rifky alias Eki Pitung was also appointed as an expert at Perumda Pasar Jaya. Hercules and Eki Pitung have the same position or title.

As previously reported, Hercules was appointed as an expert at the Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) owned by DKI Perumda Pasar Jaya. So far, Hercules is known as the former security ruler of Tanah Abang Market, Central Jakarta.

Hercules and Eki Pitung are said to have undergone a fit and proper test.

"Yes, it's true (appointed as an expert). Me, (and together with) Hercules have taken the fit and proper test as well," said Eki Pitung as quoted by Antara, Monday, February 21.

Meanwhile, Hercules thought the appointment would cause controversy. Hercules said those who criticized him with the position of an expert were only on fire and people were 'hungry.' In fact, he was not looking for food in this position.

"This is an award. But we're not looking for food there. Now, if the people who are angry are hungry people. In the end, they just bark but don't want to say 'I don't accept you as an expert staff, why should you become an expert staff? No, I'm just a man," Hercules said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 22.

Hercules also denied that his position was intended as security.

"What security? What do you want to secure? I'm also involved in one of the security guards but I don't need to talk, I've been in a position, but people don't know it. But that's a position. There are almost three thousand men, do you need to tell people? There's no need," he said.

Hercules said this position is a tribute to him. He is good friends with the President Director of Perumda Pasar Jaya.

"People raised it to be an award, because I'm good friends with the President Director, good friends, so I (said) just become a staff, bro. (President Director replied) Oh yes, I can, there may be no problem. It's okay," he said.

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