ACEH - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that Aceh had entered a period of weather transition from the rainy season to the dry season, so residents were asked to be aware of potential fires.

"We see that Aceh has entered a transitional period from the rainy season to the dry season, we need to watch out for the potential for fires," said BMKG Class I Data and Information Section Head Sultan Iskandar Muda Aceh Besar Zakaria Ahmad in Banda Aceh, reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 22.

He explained the characteristics of the transitional period of weather, including erratic weather, sometimes raining, soon sunny, or vice versa. Then uneven rain, strong winds, lightning to thunder.

"This erratic weather can also affect our health conditions, our immune system is difficult to adjust due to changes in weather from heat, sudden rain, maybe flu, fever and so on," said Zakaria.

Therefore, said Zakaria, in addition to paying attention to health conditions, residents are also asked to increase awareness of residential fires and forest and land fires (karhutla).

A number of areas in Tanah Rencong have experienced uneven rain or light to moderate rain in recent days. However, he said, there are also areas that experience drought, making it easy for fires to occur.

"Like yesterday in Aceh Singkil, South Aceh, Subulussalam, there was a forest fire," said Zakaria.

Moreover, continued Zakaria, on Tuesday, the BMKG also detected 20 hot spots in the Aceh region with a moderate level of confidence, from the results of the Terra, Aqua, and Suomi NPP satellite sensors.

The hotspots were spread across Trumon District, South Aceh as many as five points, North Singkil District, Aceh Singkil five points, Lake Paris District, Aceh Singkil four points.

Then the Sultan Daulat District, Subulussalam City has two points, one point is East Bakongan District, South Aceh, one point is Kota Baharu District, Aceh Singkil, one point is Lawealas District, Southeast Aceh, and one point is Rundeng Subulussalam District.

"This hot spot has the potential for forest fires, when there is a drought, when there are only a few sparks it is very easy to start fires and spread everywhere," he said.

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