KETAPANG - Police officers from the Ketapang District Police in West Kalimantan arrested a mother with the initials MG (20) who is suspected of being a thrower of a baby on the banks of the Jelai River in Riam Hamlet, Periangan Village, Jelai Hulu District in Ketapang Regency.

The baby girl was found dead by residents on the banks of the Jelai River, at around 09.00 WIB Monday, February 21.

"Yes, we have arrested MG, the perpetrator who dumped the baby in the Jelai River," said the head of the Jelai Police, AKP Zuanda, in Jelai Hulu District, Ketapang Regency, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, February 22.

He said, since the baby's body was found on the bank of the river, the police immediately analyzed and investigated so that they found a bright spot for the alleged perpetrator and then the police arrested MG at around 21.00 WIB Monday night.

"The perpetrator is a local resident, a resident of Periangan Village and is the baby's own mother," Zuanda said.

He said, based on the perpetrator's confession at around 02.00 WIB on Saturday, February 19, she experienced abdominal pain and then at around 05.30 WIB gave birth to the baby in the toilet.

"After giving birth, the perpetrator wrapped the baby in cloth and clothes and put it in a bucket," said Zuanda.

After that, MG took the baby to the river in front of a resident's house and threw it into the Jelai River.

MG is currently being treated before further investigation into his actions. "We are also still conducting further investigations regarding the incident whether there are other parties involved," said Zuanda.

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