JAKARTA - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Central Kalimantan, Ilham Djaya revealed the condition of correctional institutions in Sukamara Regency which do not have perimeter walls like other prisons.

"The prison in Sukamara has no perimeter walls and that has been the case for the past five years," Ilham said when meeting and holding a hearing with the leaders and members of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, in Palangka Raya, Monday, February 21, quoted by Antara.

"Meanwhile, at the detention center in Kapuas Regency, the rooms of the inmates are often flooded. So, if there is a flood, the inmates are forced to stand. At the Buntok Rutan, South Barito, it is also the same, it often floods too," he also said.

In addition to revealing the conditions of prisons, the Head of Regional Office of the Central Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights also provided answers to various questions submitted by Commission III of the DPRD RI, specifically related to granting remissions, narcotics circulation in prisons, and the capacity of prisons and detention centers.

Ilham said that all of the applications for prisoner remission proposed in the last two years were accepted. However, still according to the rules and conditions of remission that have been determined.

Meanwhile, questions related to the issue of narcotics trafficking in prisons, he said, have been closely monitored with all levels of the Central Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and continue to coordinate and are ready to collaborate with the police and BNNP.

"We at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Central Kalimantan are always ready to collaborate with various parties in terms of addressing circulation in prisons and detention centers," he said again.

Regarding capacity issues, all prisons and detention centers in Central Kalimantan continue to increase, even exceeding their capacity. To overcome or reduce the number of inmates in prisons and remand centers, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Central Kalimantan always encourages home assimilation and integration programs and the obstacle is the limitation/lack of physical buildings.

"For example, a total of 25 rooms can be used, only two-thirds of which can be used. That is the condition faced by the Central Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights," said Ilham Djaya.

Previously, the Head of the Committee for Work Committee III of the DPRD RI Desmon Junaidi Mahesa said that his party came to see directly in accordance with the constitutional duties and functions of legislation, supervision and budgeting.

"For that, we look directly at the regions. Have our partners carried out these functions down to the bottom. So, what we have done in the legislative oversight meetings, has been carried out to the lowest level in the regions," said Desmond.

The RDP Commission III DPR RI and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Central Kalimantan were also attended by the Head of the Palangka Raya High Court Zainuddin, representatives of the Head of the Palangka Raya Religious High Court, and representatives of the Head of the Palangka Raya State Administrative Court, the Primary High Leaders and the Head of the Correctional and Immigration Technical Implementation Unit in the community. Kanwil Kemenkumham Central Kalimantan.

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