BELITUNG - The Belitung District Health Office, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, noted that the number of COVID-19 cases had increased by 45 people. So that the total active cases of COVID-19 in the area rose to 432 people.

"Based on data on the progress of handling COVID-19, it was reported that active COVID-19 cases reached 432 people last Saturday," said Head of the Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) Division of the Belitung Health Service, Joko Sarjono in Tanjung Pandan, Antara, Sunday, February 20.

Meanwhile, the total active cases of COVID-19 in the area since March 2020 have been 8,417 people, 7,751 people have recovered and 234 people have died.

Of the 432 people, he continued, nine people underwent treatment at the Marsidi Judono Hospital in Belitung, nine people underwent treatment at the Tanjung Pandan SKB Central Isolation Center (Isoter) and 414 people underwent independent isolation under the supervision of the Local Health Office.

"Meanwhile, 20 patients have been declared cured or have completed intensive treatment and quarantine periods," he said.

The Health Office appealed to people in the area to remain disciplined in complying with health protocols considering that in the last few days the number of COVID-19 cases in the area had increased.

People who have not participated in the vaccination are also advised to immediately join the vaccination program at a number of health care facilities and available vaccine outlets. "We urge the public to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols considering the COVID-19 cases continue to increase," said Joko Sarjono.

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