JAKARTA - Gus Dur's eldest daughter, Alissa Wahid reacted strongly to the incident of the police raiding the residents in Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency, Central Java. Alissa asked the Central Java Police to release the detained residents.

"On behalf of @GUSDURians, we ask the Head of the Central Java Police to release the detained Wadas residents. Also ask the Governor of Central Java, Mr. @ganjarpranowo to postpone measurements etc. until we finish deliberation, and avoid clashes between the people and the state apparatus," said Alissa via a tweet on her account. Her Twitter (@AlissaWahid) was quoted Wednesday, February 9th.

Alissa added, the root of the problem lies in the development paradigm. Citizens are asked to surrender their homeland to the state under the pretext of a bigger interest.

"Really, the people are (considered) small. If they refuse, they are considered disobedient to the State. They are considered to be provoked. They can be taken action. In fact, even if it is for the greater interest, the people still have the right to have an opinion and act on their homeland, so the "nembung" process must be completed. at an equal meeting point. It should not be sacrificed. The rule: the leader's policies must be aimed at the benefit of the people," said Alissa.

The incident of the police raid was in the context of the acquisition and measurement of the andesite material mining area for the Bener Dam. Reporting from Antara, the land acquisition was rejected by residents. It is said that they consider the land is the source of life. If it is mined, it means the same as eliminating the livelihoods of the Wadas residents.

The Wadas people's struggle to defend their land from this mining plan has been going on for the past few years. Until finally there was a clash between the police and residents on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, February 8, hundreds of joint officers from the TNI, Polri, and Satpol PP of Purworejo Regency accompanied the local BPN team to carry out land measurements at the location of the candidate for the Bener Reservoir in Wadas Village, Bener.

"A total of 250 joint officers accompany around 70 BPN officers and the agriculture office who carry out measurements and counting of growing plants," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes M. Iqbal Alqudusy in his statement in Purworejo, Central Java, quoted from Antara.

He explained that the officers assisted the National Land Agency (BPN) team after the Head of the Central Java BPN Regional Office had an audience with the Central Java Police Chief on Monday.

"The head of the National Land Agency stated to the Kapolda that the Bener Reservoir construction project is listed in Presidential Regulation No. 109 of 2020 concerning the Third Amendment to Presidential Regulation No. 3/2016 concerning the Acceleration of National Strategic Projects Development. For this reason, the Central Java Police and relevant stakeholders are requested to help," he said.

The basis for the letter of personnel assistance, he said, was contained in the Letter of the Ministry of PUPR Number UM 0401.AG.3.4./45 dated February 3, 2022 regarding the Application for Safeguarding the Implementation of Measurements in Wadas Village, Purworejo Regency, Central Java.

He said there was also a letter from the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Purworejo Regency, Central Java Province Number AT.02.02/344-33.06/II/2022 dated February 4, 2022 regarding the Application for Security Personnel for the Implementation of Inventory and Identification in Wadas Village, Purworejo Regency.

The Head of Public Relations explained that the Central Java Police Chief on the basis of the application letter coordinated with relevant stakeholders to support the implementation of land measurement by the BPN team. The area of land that has been acquired currently is 124 hectares.

"Measurements are still ongoing and running smoothly. The team's task is to be humane and solely to provide assistance," he said. The emphasis of the Regional Police Chief, he said, is that the implementation of assistance must prioritize the humanist aspect.

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