BATAM - Head of Batam City Health Office Didi Kusmarjadi stated, Batam is still in category I, despite a spike in COVID-19 cases in the last two weeks.

"We are still in category 1, because the daily cases are still below 240 cases," said the Head of the Health Service in Batam, Monday.

Based on the rules, the second level category is the number of active positive cases between 20 and less than 50 people per 100,000 population per week. And the current population of Batam is 1.2 million people, so the limit for level two is 240 cases.

Meanwhile, the number of active COVID-19 cases in Batam as of Monday was 194 cases.

"If there are 24 cases, it means it's not safe," said the Head of the Service.

Meanwhile, the Batam City COVID-19 Task Force recorded an additional 35 confirmed cases on Monday, February 7, bringing the total active cases to 194 people. A total of 34 of them are probable Omicron.

The task force also recorded an additional five people who finished isolation, bringing the total to 25,046 who recovered.

Then the additional zero died, leaving 842 people.

"The cure rate is 96.028 percent, the death rate is 3.228 percent, and active cases are 0.744 percent," said the Task Force. Of the 194 active cases of COVID-19, 144 people were treated at the Galang Island Hospital, six people are still undergoing independent isolation, and others are being treated. in seven other referral hospitals.

Based on the results of the assessment of the Batam COVID-19 situation as of February 4, 2022, it is level 1.

It is stated that the level 1 community transmission assessment with confirmed cases is 9.33 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week, hospitalization in hospitals is 1.62 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week, and deaths are 0.00 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week.

Then for testing it is considered adequate, with a positivity rate of 0.6 percent per week, tracing is also considered adequate with a close contact ratio of 18.36 per confirmed case per week, and adequate treatment with 3.45 percent BOR per week.

Likewise, vaccination was considered adequate, which reached 114.04 percent of the target population receiving the first dose of vaccine.

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