JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has dispatched a team to the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to support the implementation of the 2022 Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) as a national strategic program. regions in carrying out various government affairs, including manpower affairs," said Special Staff for the Minister of Home Affairs for Political and Media Affairs Kastorius Sinaga quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5. the priority of the Ministry of Home Affairs' guidance to local governments because the implementation of PP 36/2021 on Wages has become part of the national strategic program.

The governor is obliged to determine the provincial minimum wage every year. The new formula for determining the 2022 UMP outlined by PP 36/2021 in which the calculation of the minimum wage is discussed in the wage council meeting. "With reference to various variables including economic indicators, inflation, and the upper and lower limits of the provincial minimum wage, it must be adhered to as a guide for the issuance of a Governor's Decree. regarding the determination of the UMP," he said.

If it deviates from the PP 36/2021 formula, the Minister of Home Affairs can impose sanctions on the governor because the determination of the UMP is a national strategic program as regulated in Law 23/2014 which is manifestly emphasized in PP 36/2021.

Guidance and supervision of the determination of the 2022 UMP is important because it is the first year of implementing the technical regulations for wages as a derivative of the implementation of the Manpower Creation Law (Omnibus Law). Kastorius said that the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, paid serious attention because it is one of the benchmarks for the success of the implementation of the Manpower Creation Law in the future and is the foundation for the solidity of the UMP determination system with a new formula as emphasized in PP 36/2022. facilitation, socialization, and supervision of the determination of the UMP which is juridically determined through a Governor's Decree.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito, according to him, ordered the relevant components, namely SUPD IV of the Directorate General of Bangda (synchronization of regional government affairs) in charge of manpower together with the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration to step down to provide guidance to provinces whose minimum wage determination is not/not yet in accordance with the PP 36/2021 formula. So far, he explained, almost all provinces have set the minimum wage with the right deadline, according to the formula, and the right calculation mechanism refers to PP 36/2022. East Nusa Tenggara Province is one of the five provinces where the 2022 UMP determination is different from the PP 36/2021 formula," he said. The Ministry of Home Affairs team led by the Special Staff of the Minister of Home Affairs for Politics and Media Kastorius Sinaga along with SUPD IV officials, the Directorate General of Bangda and Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration officials went to NTT Province on 3-5 February 2022. In Kupang, the team held a coordination meeting with the Governor NTT Province Victor Laiskodat which was attended by top officials from the NTT Provincial Government. In addition, the Ministry of Home Affairs Team together with the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Team held a coordination meeting with the NTT Provincial Manpower Office together with the NTT Provincial Wage Council which involved trade unions / laborers and the ranks of the NTT Province Apindo. The coordination meeting went smoothly and was conducive. In terms of the mechanism and procedure for determining the 2022 UMP in NTT Province, it was in accordance with PP 36/2021.

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