JAKARTA - Susi Air has finally revealed a number of things regarding the expulsion of the plane from Colonel RA Bessing Malinau Airport by the Malinau Regency Government, North Kalimantan. Starting from the estimated loss to the possibility of bringing this event to legal recourse.

Through a press conference conducted online, Susi Air revealed that the potential losses they could experience could reach billions of rupiah. This figure is obtained from calculations carried out for the consequences of the evictions that occurred last Wednesday, February 2.

"The cost that we calculated (losses, ed) totals approximately IDR 8.9 billion in calculations from the operational department and for the events that occurred yesterday (evictions from the airport hangar, ed)," Donal said at a press conference held online, Friday, February 4th.

Donald then detailed that the figure was due to a schedule cancellation. "Why did the schedule happen because then the hangar is a place for repairing routine aircraft maintenance, either 100 hours or 200 hours maintenance," he said.

"When the maintenance area is disturbed, it will disrupt the routine process of aircraft maintenance. Susi Air is very strict in the maintenance process because it talks about flight risks," added Donal.

In addition, this loss is caused by the extra cost of paying pilots. Then, extra costs were also incurred because Susi Air had to rent a helicopter to move equipment and unengined planes from the hangar.

"Of course, if we want to move all the equipment, we have to rent a helicopter to then lift a number of planes which are then in today's condition without an engine or without an engine," said Donal.

"That's one of the conditions that occurred calculatively by the company and the real and potential losses due to yesterday's forced evictions," added the lawyer.

Will take legal route

In addition to losses, Susi Air also stated that there were criminal violations that occurred in the incident. So, they will consider taking legal action.

"We are considering taking legal steps for criminal violations committed by officials for these arbitrary actions," said Donal.

He detailed that there were potential violations committed by the local government in the expulsion. Among other things, about the Satpol PP in the process of forced transfer.

According to Donal, based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 6 of 2010 Satpol PP is tasked with enforcing regional regulations and maintaining public order and public peace. So, it is not appropriate if the transfer of goods such as planes is carried out by Satpol PP.

"What we understand a lot is that Satpol PP is used for public order by regional heads if there are cases of illegal markets or street vendors selling without rights and without permission, so it is then considered to be disturbing public order and peace," he explained.

"This Susi Airplane was in the hangar, it did not violate public order and peace, so it was a mistake when it was carried out by the Satpol PP," Donal added.

In addition, the Satpol PP, who at that time forcibly removed the goods from the airport hangar, also did not show a letter of assignment. In fact, this letter is important to be given to Susi Air.

"The existing officers did not submit or show a letter of assignment to the airport or to Susi Air," he said.

Next, Donald also said that there were several rules that were violated in the expulsion, namely Law No. 1 of 2009.

Furthermore, he said Article 210 of the law explains that everyone is prohibited from being in certain areas at the airport, creating obstacles, carrying out other activities in the flight operation safety area that can endanger flight safety and security, unless obtaining permission from the airport authority.

Furthermore, in Article 344, every person is prohibited from taking unlawful actions that endanger the safety of aviation and air transportation in the form of illegally controlling an airplane that is flying or on the ground. Then, enter into an aircraft, airport restricted security area, or aeronautical facility area illegally.

"The information we obtained did not have written permission from the airport authorities for that to be done," he said.

Thus, there is a criminal threat that is allegedly violated from the expulsion event. "What is the criminal sanction, there is a criminal threat of Article 210 which was allegedly violated earlier, or Article 344 letter C, then the potential for imprisonment for 1 year if it is related to Article 210 and a fine of IDR 100 million. Meanwhile, Article 344 carries a threat of 1 year and IDR 500 million relates to fines," the lawyer explained.

There is no purely business political element

On that occasion, former Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti who is also the owner of PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation or Susi Air asked all parties not to associate the expulsion of her plane from Malinau Airport with political issues.

According to her, the current problem is purely business-related. "Don't think differently than the Susi Air and aviation issues, there is no political element here, nothing, I also don't think so," she said.

Susi, who attended a press conference from the beach in Pangandaran, West Java, admitted that she was concerned about the actions of the Malinau Regency Government. She actually hopes that all parties will be wise and prioritize the needs of the community.

"But, yes, as the owner and seeing my child struggling, it's just sad to be concerned, I hope so, hopefully, all will be wise and understand that the needs of the community are above all," she said.

"Because if you use a speedboat, if I'm not mistaken it is 8 hours. If Susi Air can still fly, of course, it will continue to help. We have been there since 2007-2008 as a long time ago, it has been a long time and people are also used to Susi Air," concluded Susi.

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