JAKARTA - The government has started the construction of the National Capital City (IKN) called Nusantara. Although the city has not yet been built, the process of building infrastructure has been carried out such as dams to roads for logistics delivery.

"We have not started the development for the capital city itself, but we have started supporting it towards that direction. For example, we are building the Sepaku Semoi Dam for water supply," said Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, February 2.

In addition to the dam, the government is also building roads leading to the archipelago. Suharso said this was aimed at sending logistics for the construction of the new nation's capital city.

"We are completing the logistics road to make it easier for logistics transportation," he said.

Furthermore, Suharso said the new nation's capital would be built on a land area of 256 thousand hectares. Where 199 thousand hectares as a development area.

"Then 56 thousand hectares as the capital of the country itself and 6,700 (hectare, red) the core area," he said.

"So the total is 256 hectares and with an extraordinary area, 20 percent will become the get-up area and 80 percent will be left as forest so that the IKN area is the area to become a forest city or forest city," Suharso added.

Not only that, the government will also prepare a nursery that can produce 15 million seeds annually. These seeds will later be planted in places that have previously been cut down.

"We also involve the local community to participate in this development so that they do not become marginalized by the presence of the nation's capital city," he concluded.

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