JAKARTA - There are 11 historical or heritage buildings in Cianjur, which will be developed by the Culture and Tourism Office of Cianjur, West Java, to become a place for promotion of creative economy players. This place will be used especially for young entrepreneurs, so that the economic recovery can run quickly.

The head of the Cianjur Disbudpar, Pratama Nugraha, in Cianjur Sunday, January 30, said that of the dozens of buildings that have this history, they will be recorded and verified to be used as locations for the development and promotion of superior products produced by the Cianjur people.

"Currently, there are 11 buildings that have historical value that can be developed as a place to promote various superior products produced by young creative entrepreneurs in Cianjur," said Pratama as quoted by Antara.

The purpose of making it a place that has historical value is as a form of preservation as well as being a center of economic activity with a modern appearance such as the former Sinar Cinema, Ampera Building and several buildings in the Cianjur Station area.

Although a number of locations are privately owned or owned by individuals, according to Pratama, the local government will cooperate, including carrying out repairs and maintenance, so that historic buildings in Cianjur are still well-maintained and well-maintained.

"For the former Sinar Cinema, the owner is ready to cooperate with the local government. We hope that the owners of other buildings are the same, so that creative economy actors in Cianjur can be accommodated in these places. Apart from preserving historical buildings, the economy will also develop," said Pratama. .

Meanwhile, a number of creative business players in Cianjur, welcome the place that has historical value in Cianjur, becoming a marketing and promotion center as well as business development for so long. Now they only offer their products through social media.

"Of course we welcome it, especially during the pandemic, we can only market the products produced through social media. Hopefully this local government plan can be realized in the near future, so that various superior products from young creatives in Cianjur have a promotion place," said the young painter. Cianjur, Erik.

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