JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri, admitted that she was confused by the attitude of the West Sumatrans. They seemed unable to accept their party. Responding to this, Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, assessed that the reason is that the region is very religious and strong in the context of practicing Islamic teachings.

Meanwhile, PDIP has been impressed as a nationalist party. It’s not friendly to Islam because of their cadres criticized figures who are respected by Muslims.

“So it makes sense that the people and figures in West Sumatra do not sympathize with the PDIP," Ujang told VOI, Thursday, September 3.

Ujang admitted that, historically, there were many figures from West Sumatra who had moved to liberate Indonesia with Soekarno. Such as Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, and Tan Malaka. Not to mention, Bukittinggi also has historical value because it was once an emergency capital.

“However, over time, the people of West Sumatra are critical and religious. They find it difficult to accept PDIP. Because above, PDIP is not too 'friendly' to Islam," he explained.

According to Uang, if the PDIP wants to be accepted in the West Sumatra region, PDIP should highlight the religious face in the party. So, gradually, the people there gain sympathy.

“The existence of a party wing in PDIP, such as Baitul Muslimin, is part of a strategy to approach Muslims. But that is not enough. PDIP must specifically prove itself that PDIP is friendly to Islam and its leaders," he said.

This political observer also emphasized that the absence of PDIP in West Sumatra was also not the result of dislike or negative sentiment towards Jokowi due to several issues that blew during the presidential election. This dislike is purely due to the criticism of the West Sumatra people in assessing the PDIP.

“The people of West Sumatra have no sentiment. But the people of West Sumatra are smart and critical of the reality that exists in PDIP," he said.

Previously, PDIP General Chairperson, Megawati Soekarnoputri, had questioned why do West Sumatra have difficulty accepting his party even though many figures in the region fought alongside his father, Soekarno.

Besides that, Mega also admitted that it was difficult to get people in the region to elect a regional head from his party.

“If I look at West Sumatra, I think, why do the people of West Sumatra do not seem to like the PDI Perjuangan? Even though there are already several regions who want, ask, there are already the DPC office, the DPD. But if you are looking for leaders in the regions, it will be a bit difficult,” said Mega while briefing candidates, Wednesday, September 2.

“Whereas if we remember the history of the nation, many people from West Sumatra became nationalists. At that time, Bung Karno was collaborating with Bung Hatta. Bung Hatta came from West Sumatra," she added.

Seeing the difficulty of getting the attention of the people of West Sumatra, she then ordered her cadres to conduct a study. “It's one part of our hard work, our big work," he stressed.

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