JAKARTA - Transparency International Indonesia (TII) released the corruption perception index (CPI) in 2021.

As a result, Indonesia's corruption perception index score now stands at 38 on a scale of 0-100. A score of 0 means very corrupt while 100 means very clean.

"Indonesia in 2021 got a score of 38 with a ranking of 96. This indicates that compared to 2020, Indonesia's score has increased by one point with a ranking of six places", said TII Research Manager, Wawan Suyatmiko, at the press conference 'Launching the Corruption Perception Index 2021' which aired online on YouTube Transparency International Indonesia, Tuesday, January 24.

"From 37 to 38", he added.

Wawan said that five other countries had the same GPA and ranking as Indonesia. These countries are Argentina, Brazil, Turkey, Serbia, and Lesotho.

As for the ASEAN ranking, Indonesia is in fifth place below Vietnam, which has a GPA of 39, Timor Leste with a CPI score of 41, Malaysia 48, and Singapore 85.

As for the ranking in the G20 countries, Indonesia is ranked 16th below Argentina, which has the same CPI score. The countries that sit in first place are Germany with a CPI score of 80, followed by England at 78, and Canada at 74.

Wawan said the increase in the CPI score was based on an increase in three of the nine data sources. While the other three are stagnant and the other three are declining.

"Three that experienced a drastic increase were the World Economic Forum from 46 to 53. Then the Global Insight Country Risk Rating from 35 to 47. This is a significant increase of 12 points in the last year, and also the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook which rose from 43 to 44", he said.

Then the indexes that are still experiencing stagnation are the Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings which remain at 37 points, the PERC Asian Risk Guide remains at 32 points, and the World Justice Project-Rule of Law Index 23 points.

Finally, for the indexes that fell, the PRS International Country Risk Guide fell from 50 to 48 points, the Bertelsmann Foundation Transform Index dropped from 37 to 33 points, and finally, the Varieties of Democracy Project dropped from 26 points to 22 in 2021.

"So in aggregate, there are three indices that have drastically increased Global Insight by 12 points, the Economic Forum has increased by seven points, while IMD has increased by 1 point", he concluded.

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