MEDAN - After receiving news about the existence of double parking attendants on Jalan Sei Belutu, Medan Sunggal, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution went straight to the location. Bobby double-questioned the parking attendant.

"I found parking attendants with manual and conventional systems in the same location, as well as PHL officers from the Medan City Transportation Service who asked for more money from manual parking attendants of IDR 30,000-IDR 40,000 per day, which should only be IDR 25,000 per day,” said Bobby Nasution, Monday, January 24.

Because of this finding, Bobby Nasution asked that the PHL persons who were extorting money be removed.

"And the inspectorate must immediately check whether there is involvement from the Head of the Medan City Transportation Agency's Parking Division and other elements," said President Jokowi's son-in-law.

Bobby Nasution emphasized that Medan City must be free from illegal fees. No person should play in the parking lot, because it will disrupt the e-parking system and trigger PAD leakage.

"We emphasize that there should be no more cases of double parking like this," added Bobby Nasution.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Medan City Transportation Agency, North Sumatra, Iswar Lubis, said that strict action would be taken against employees caught red-handed making illegal levies (extortion) to parking attendants in the Setia Budi Street area, Medan.

"We will take action against this person," he said in Medan.

Dai regretted that there were unscrupulous officers from the Transportation Service who carried out extortion on parking attendants in the Medan City area.

"I as the head of the department apologize for this incident," he said.

His party will increase supervision of the Transportation Service officers on duty in the field in order to anticipate the occurrence of extortion.

"We will tighten supervision," Iswar said.

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