SURABAYA - An Indonesian Migrant Worker (PMI) from East Java died, two days after arriving in East Java from Malaysia. He is known as Sholikin Bin H. Zakariyah (62) a resident from Sugihan, Solokuro, Lamongan Regency.

"Yes, it's true, one PMI died, but not because of COVID-19, because the PCR test result was negative," said Director of the Haji Sukolilo Hospital Surabaya, Herlin Herliana, confirmed, Monday, January 24.

Meanwhile, Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force Makhyan Jibril Al-Farabi said the PMI died after suffering from illness, where it was discovered that there was a lump in his stomach. According to Jibril, the person concerned was immediately taken to the Haji Sukolilo Hospital in Surabaya upon his arrival in East Java on Saturday, January 22.

"But at 05.00 a.m. last Sunday, the person concerned died. Now his body is still at the RSI, waiting for further confirmation from the Marine and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) and his family," he said.

A total of 129 PMIs from East Java from Malaysia arrived in East Java, on Saturday, January 22. A total of two PMIs of whom tested positive for COVID-19, and are currently still undergoing treatment at the Haji Sukolilo Hospital in Surabaya.

Then on January 28, it is also planned to come again as many as 164 PMI from Brunei Darussalam. They will later be quarantined in several places, namely the Sukolilo Haji Dormitory, in the Ministry of Education and Culture's Government Quality Assurance Institute building and the Ministry of Religion's Education and Training (Kemenag) both in Ketintang.

In anticipation of breaking the chain spread of COVID-19 from abroad, PMIs are required to undergo a seven-day quarantine period in the facilities provided after the PCR test is carried out. If the PCR test results are positive for COVID-19, they will be referred to the designated referral hospital.

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