JAKARTA - Circulating on social media, a convoy of luxury cars caused traffic jams on the Andara toll road. Documenting the activities of the convoy from the group which is said to be the cause of the traffic jam.
The convoy of luxury cars that caused the traffic jam was uploaded to the Instagram account @tmcpoldametro. Where, one of the photos shows a fairly long traffic jam due to the convoy.
Head of the Polda Metro Jaya Highway Police Unit Kompol Sutikno said the traffic jam occurred on the Andara KM 02+400 toll road section. At least more than seven luxury cars involved in the convoy.
"More than seven (luxury cars, red)," said Sutikno when confirmed, Monday, January 24.
The convoy's activities were detected based on CCTV camera monitoring. They are observed taking pictures so that they become the attention of other motorists and end up in traffic jams
"If all the toll roads have CCTV, it looks like there are lots of people taking pictures of teenagers in luxury cars. So people's attention, people move aside," he said.
Allegedly, the riders were taking pictures and making videos for personal gain. They are called to create content which will later be uploaded to their respective social media.
"It's like making content," said Sutikno.
Unlicensed Luxury Car ConvoyApart from that, Sutikno said that one of the reasons for taking action against luxury car drivers was because the convoy was carried out without a permit.
They should have taken care of permission first. So, officers will escort them and regulate traffic flow so as not to cause congestion.
"Yes, our permission should have been guarded so that people wouldn't have any obstacles because we explained it," he said.
However, in fact, continued Sutikno, they did not take care of any permits or just information.
"There is no report, nothing suddenly stops (on the toll road, ed)," he said.
Currently, the drivers of luxury cars have been prosecuted. However, enforcement is not in the form of giving a ticket.
"(Action, red) Rebuked," he said.
The reason for not being fined is because they have complete vehicle documents. So, the officer only gave a warning.
"At that time, when the police arrived, they were out of place and some were stopped, checked for complete documents and then given education," said Sutikno.
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