MEDAN - Several Medan City Police officials have been removed for allegedly accepting bribes from the wives of drug dealers. Noted, there are three people who lost their positions.

The allegation of receiving a bribe of IDR 300 million arose based on the results of the trial of the drug possession case. Where, a former member of the Medan City Police Drug Unit, Chief Police Brigadier Ricardo was presented as a witness.

Ricardo also became a defendant and was detained in another case, namely embezzling evidence of money in a drug case.

During the trial, a number of officials' names were dragged. However, the most highlighted is the Medan Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Riko Sunarko.

Still removed even though it's not proven

The emergence of the allegation was immediately followed up by the North Sumatra Police. Where an internal investigation was carried out.

From the results of the examination and investigation, there was no involvement or receipt of money from the wife of a drug dealer by the Medan Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Riko Sunarko.

However, the North Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General RZ Panca Putra still removed the Medan Police Chief Grand Commissioner Pol Riko Sunarko from his position. Riko is currently drawn to the North Sumatra Police.

However, this removal was not due to receiving a bribe of IDR 160 million from a drug dealer's wife.

This is based on the results of the deepening of the joint team of the North Sumatra Police Propam and the National Police Headquarters. The joint team has examined 12 witnesses. One of them is Ricardo Siahaan's lawyer.

Panca explained, from the results of the examination, the team found no evidence that the Medan Police Chief ordered that the remaining IDR 160 million be used for releases, buying motorbikes as well as for supervision and inspection (wasrik).

"The police chief also did not know of the embezzlement of IDR 600 million by Ricardo Siahaan, and did not know that there was the receipt of IDR 300 million to free Imayanti, the wife of a drug dealer, so as not to be arrested," said Panca in a statement, Saturday, January 22.

However, it turned out that Rico was proven to have ordered the Head of Narcotics Unit, Commissioner of Police Oloan Siahaan, to buy a motorbike as a gift to the Koramil members who managed to uncover marijuana, at a price of IDR 13 million.

However, IDR 7 million has been paid by the Police Chief, while the remaining IDR 6 million has been paid by Commissioner Oloan Siahaan.

"This should not have happened because as a superior he is not allowed to charge the remaining payments to his subordinates. This is in accordance with Article 7 paragraph (2) point (a) Perkap No. 14 of 2011 concerning the Police Professional Code of Ethics. Therefore we must not oppress someone by saying they know but in reality, they don't know," Panca explained.

With the above facts, Panca finally withdrew the Head of Police to the North Sumatran Police. He is suspected of violating the abuse of authority in the field of supervision by a superior.

"So we withdraw the Head of Polrestabes to the Regional Police for examination, not because the person concerned accepted a bribe or ordered the use of the remaining 160 million, but his role as a superior did not carry out his role properly," he said.

Heads of Drug Unit

In this series of cases, the North Sumatra Police had previously removed two Medan City Police officials. They are the Heads of the Narcotics Unit.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Grand Commissioner Hadi Wahyudi, said the dismissal of the Narcotics Officer had been carried out several months ago. The transfer decision is based on the results of the professional ethics trial.

"The drug inspector has been transferred since August," said Hadi.

The results of the ethics trial, said Hadi, decided that the Medan Police Narcotics Head was guilty. He was judged unable to supervise his staff.

"It is evident from the results of the disciplinary hearing that the members were negligent in supervising their members," said Hadi.

In fact, in the case of the alleged receipt of bribes from the wife of this drug dealer, there are other Medan Polrestabes officials who have also been removed. He is the Head of the Drug Investigation Unit.

However, Hadi did not specify the reasons behind it. Including the role or involvement in accepting the bribe.

"Head of Unit, Commissioner Paul (also transferred, ed)," said Hadi.

Mutation Purpose

The dismissal of the three Medan City Police officials is considered to have a purpose and purpose.

Executive Director of the Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) Dr. Edi Hasibuan said the removal was to protect the dignity of the Police.

"We fully support the decisive action to remove the Medan Police Chief. This decision is to maintain the dignity of the Police in the community," said Edi.

Based on the Police Propam examination, said Edi, the Medan Police Chief was removed not for accepting bribes but for abuse of authority and inability to supervise his subordinates, thus violating the Police's professional code of ethics.

According to this legal expert from the Bhayangkara University Jakarta Police, this removal shows that there were problems in Riko's leadership and supervision when he was the Medan Police Chief, resulting in abuse of authority.

Supervision that is not carried out properly can be judged by the community as neglect in the Narcotics Investigation Unit," he said.

He considered that the action of the Chief of Police to impose payment orders to the Narcotics Head should not happen. "This is the same as telling subordinates to abuse their authority," he said.

Edi invites all ranks of the National Police to continue to improve the professionalism and supervision of their staff.

"We will use the bribery case in Medan as a material for introspection for improvements and improvements towards a more precise Police," he said.

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