JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo met a number of traditional Lampung leaders, one of whom was the Sultan of Sekala Brak Kepaksian Pernong, His Excellency (PYM) Sai Batin Puniakan Dalom He (SPDB) Prince Edward Syah Pernong, the title of Sultan Sekala Brak Yang Dipertuan Ke- 23 at Villa Batu Putu Bandarlampung, Saturday.

A number of traditional processions were carried out, to welcome the arrival of the number one person in Central Java.

Ganjar who arrived at the location at around 08.30 WIB was immediately greeted by the ranks of the Commander in Chief and the royal Hulubalang. After that, Ganjar was paraded to the meeting location by the khakot pencak silat dancers.

There, Ganjar was greeted by Pun Edward Syahpernong, a number of princes and traditional figures. During the meeting, Ganjar was then given a horned Lampung skullcap or Hanuang Bani and pinned with a royal gold pin as a symbol of Ganjar's acceptance into the royal family.

"Yes, this is a Paksian badge, a badge that signifies kinship. Hopefully, this can further strengthen Pak Ganjar's heart with the people of Lampung, especially the Kepaksian Sekala Brak Lampung," said Pun Edward as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

After being friendly, Ganjar and Pun Edward then had lunch together. The two of them shrieked together, i.e. eating Lampung specialties. The menu, which consists of pindang baung fish, fish belida peppers, chili paste mixed with pineapple, durian or tempoyak chili sauce and fresh vegetables were eaten by the two while chatting together intimately.

"Wow, this is amazing, chirping with Mr. Edward at a table full of food. There are various kinds of fish, some big and small. Sambal, now this fits with fresh vegetables. I like fresh vegetables," said Ganjar while eating together.

Even Edward said that Kepaksian Sekala Brak welcomed and proudly welcomed Ganjar's visit, which had many activities in Lampung, but still took time to stay in touch with Kepaksian Pernong and other Lampung traditional leaders.

"I am very proud and touched, Pak Ganjar wants to take the time to meet me and my family from Kepaksian Pernong Sekala Brak. Hopefully this friendship will not be broken for the common good," said Pun Edward.

Meanwhile, Ganjar was impressed by the welcome of Edward Syah Pernong and his family. At first, he thought that he had only met a few of Pun Edward's families, but there were quite a few present and all of them were royal relatives.

"The response was great in my opinion. I was just shocked and surprised. This was extraordinary, beyond expectation. I feel honored and grateful," he said.

Ganjar also thanked him for being considered a royal relative after being given Hanuang Bani and a gold pin. He hopes that the meeting will become part of a symbol of how to build a family, unite with courage.

"Moreover, we were whistling together, the food was top, the chili sauce was spicy, really delicious," he said.

During the two days in Lampung he felt like he was in his own area. Moreover, in Lampung there are relatives who live in Pringsewu and in Sukabumi.

"So I have Pakdhe's son who has taken care of me since I was young, two of them live in Lampung. In addition, yesterday I met transmigrants who were originally from Purworejo, Kutoharjo, Bagelen, and others. -your own brother," he said.

During the meeting, Pun Edward also explained a number of genealogies of Lampung's existence, both the kingdom that used to exist to the sultanate, the saibatins to traditional leaders who are still strong today.*

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