JAKARTA - A total of 68 residents of Krukut Village, Taman Sari Sub-district, West Jakarta, were declared cured of COVID-19 after undergoing integrated isolation at the Kemayoran Athlete's House or self-isolation at their respective homes.

"There are 37 isoman patients and 31 patients at Wisma Atlet who have been declared cured," said Krukut Village Head, Ilham Nurkarim, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 21.

According to Ilham, the 68 people were residents of RW 02 who were known to have been exposed to COVID-19 when the local health center carried out tracking at that location. Until now, in RW 02, a "micro lockdown" is still being applied.

Now, the 68 residents have returned to their respective homes. Ilham appealed to residents who have recovered to maintain health protocols while doing activities at home.

Previously, the finding of a positive case of COVID-19 in the Krukut Village began with a resident with the initials R who carried out an independent PCR test because previously he had gone out of town. The results of the PCR test showed positive on January 5.

R also underwent isolation at the Kemayoran Athlete House. During the isolation process, the results of R's examination stated that he was exposed to the Omicron variant of COVID-19.

Because of these findings, health workers searched the area where the first patient lived. Residents who were in close contact were tested for antigen swab and PCR. As a result, as many as 34 residents tested positive for COVID-19. The family of the first patient were among the 34 residents who tested positive for COVID-19.

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