SAMARINDA - East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor emphasized that the land area for the construction of the State Capital (IKN) is state land (production forest land), so there is no practice of buying and selling land at the IKN location.

"But if the sale and purchase of land around or outside the IKN construction site may exist, and that's good. It means that the community will benefit. Regarding land prices that have soared up to 10 times, I still don't believe it and maybe it's just an issue and a speculator's game land," said Isran Noor in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 20.

If anyone wants to speculate on the area of land that will be used for IKN development, Isran Noor emphasized that it will be in vain and only waste energy.

"As far as I know, no community land is included in the IKN area. It's all state land. Even if there is community land that might enter the IKN area, it will be reorganized by the government, so that later settlements around the capital city can be better," said Isran Noor.

Along with the development of the capital city of the archipelago, the price of land is certainly a consideration for investors. According to Isran, there are no problems between investors and land owners outside the IKN area.

"There is no problem, that is another matter, and the laws of the market, supply and demand apply. So if the land owner wants to play with investors, there is no problem. There are calculations," he said.

In the area of land, the IKN development plan, especially in the core IKN area, is state-owned land in the form of industrial plantation forests, which the government has requested as an initial plan for IKN development.

"To prevent land speculation, I have issued a governor's regulation to prohibit the sale and purchase of land areas around IKN. This is an effort to avoid and anticipate that there will be no loss among the community in terms of buying and selling land around IKN. That is an attempt to avoid and anticipate so that no loss between public in terms of buying and selling of near IKN, and everything is regulated in the governor's regulation," said Isran.

Meanwhile, Head of the State Land Agency (BPN) of Penajam Paser Utara Regency, Ade Candra Wijaya, said that there was no increase in land prices up to 10 times in IKN locations.

"It doesn't exist, but land speculators can happen, it's called profit seeking. And it can happen outside the IKN development area, but if it doesn't exist inside the IKN area," he said.

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