JAKARTA - The Papuan Police stated that the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Lamek Alipki Taplo was the perpetrator of the attack in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains Regency. Currently, the group is in pursuit.

"KKB Ngalum Kupel is led by Lamek Alipki Taplo", said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, in his statement on Monday, January 17.

The shooting began when officers on standby from the Nemangkawi Task Force monitored the situation around the Kiwirok Belukar Post, on Monday, January 17.

In the foggy conditions, suddenly there was an attack. KKB members shot the picket members.

"Suddenly at around 06.50 WIT, from the left side of the post there was a shot at the Belukar Post", said Kamal.

As a result of the attack, Bharatu Bachtiar became a victim. He was injured in the back.

"Bharatu Bachtiar suffered scratches from being hit by a bullet in his back", said Kamal.

While the other members returned fire. Until finally, there was a shootout.

After the gunfight ended, the injured Bharatu Bachtiar was immediately taken to the nearest hospital.

"The steps taken by the police are on standby at the Belukar Post, evacuating victims to the hospital for treatment", said Kamal.

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