JAKARTA - Members of a joint patrol from the Pademangan Police, North Jakarta arrested a group of teenagers who were about to brawl under the Jalan Budi Mulia tunnel, West Pademangan.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Wibowo said one of the eight members of the group with the initials MDM (13) was detained at the Pademangan Police Headquarters for further investigation for carrying a sharp weapon, a sickle type on a motorbike.

"And from the results of the examination, we convey that one child has admitted to possessing and carrying one sharp weapon, the type of sickle, with the initials MDM, aged 13 years," said Wibowo, quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 16.

According to Wibowo, the eight members of the youth group initially gathered when the Joint Team of the Pademangan Police and the Pokdar Kamtibmas Pademangan routinely patrolled in order to suppress, prevent, and anticipate the occurrence of street crime, street racing, and brawls.

When they saw the joint officers coming, the eight people who were about to brawl ran away and were chased until they were caught.

After the arrest, the Pademangan Police then searched the group's gathering area, and found two other hidden sickle-type weapons and one sharp sword.

The eight children and the evidence of sharp weapons were immediately taken to the Pademangan Police Headquarters for further investigation. Apart from MDM (13), a number of teenagers with the initials JDF (16), AL (19), PR (16), ASP (14), DED (15), MFR (15), and TAP (15) were also investigated.

The eight people, said Wibowo, were school friends, but some had dropped out of school.

"In this case, my friends, I need to say that we are implementing Law Number 12 of 1951 regarding sharp weapons," said Wibowo.

However, because the child in conflict with the law (ABH) for carrying a sharp weapon was still a minor, the Pademangan Police did not make any arrests.

That is as stated in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Criminal Justice System for Children.

Wibowo said the police would process further investigations into this case with the assistance of the Correctional Center (Bapas) with a maximum detention authority of 1 x 24 hours.

"After that, we will contact the parents, we will return them considering we only have the authority 1x24 hours to carry out legal checks. So we will continue to follow up, of course with assistance from the Fathers," said Wibowo.

For parents of children who are in conflict with the law, Wibowo reminded that it is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to supervise and maintain their behavior.

Children in their teens who are still looking for their identity, who want to exist and be seen, should not do wrong ways because there is no one to direct them.

"There is no one directing, there is no supervision, especially from parents, so that they do something inappropriately, such as a brawl. This is not only dangerous for the brawlers, but can also be dangerous for the surrounding community. So I ask parents for help. , the guardians, or anyone else, let's together protect our children from things that can harm their future," concluded Wibowo.

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