SURABAYA - Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji is optimistic that the old city area which is one of the historical places in the City of Heroes will become a tourist destination after being revitalized.

"One of the most historic areas in the old city in Surabaya is the Red Bridge, because it is the location of the struggle of Arek-Arek Suroboyo," said Deputy Guardian (Wawali) Armuji when participating in the "Surabaya Old City Heritage Walk" activity held by the Begandring Suroboyo Community at Jembatan Merah. , Surabaya quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 16.

Like other cities, continued Armuji, Surabaya also has an old city area in which there are many old-style buildings and most of them are cultural heritage buildings.

"Every city has an old city, such as Jakarta and Semarang. The heart of the old city in Surabaya, including the Red Bridge area. There are many cultural heritage buildings, across the street there is also a Surabaya Chinatown," he said.

He said that currently the Surabaya City Government and the Surabaya DPRD are discussing the legal umbrella regarding the management of cultural heritage with the aim of providing protection, management, utilization and development for the maximum benefit of the people's welfare.

For this reason, he said, the Surabaya City Government is currently preparing for development and revitalization in the old city area.

According to Armuji, the revitalization of the old city will not only be emphasized on the buildings, but also the surrounding community who care about the existence of historical buildings in the old city.

"Hopefully the old city will become a tourist destination in Surabaya," he said.

In Surabaya there are several historic buildings, including the former De Javasche Bank, the Lion Building, the PTPN Building with Dutch architecture, the Customs Market, the Kya-Kya Chinatown trade center.

"Our commitment is to make Surabaya a city with a personality in culture," he said.

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