JAKARTA - Iron Maiden's lead vocalist Bruce Dickinson via video posted on Instagram, bid farewell to 2024 and the "The Future Past" tour and welcomed the arrival of 2025 and the "Run For Your Lives" tour.
Through the video, Dickinson stated that 2025 will be a special year for Iron Maiden and fans.
"Hello everyone. This is my tour ticket for 2024. That ticket will take me anywhere in 2024, but I don't need it anymore, because 2025 will be a special year. Not just because of the tour ticket. To be honest, we are very excited about this tour," Dickinson said.
The 66-year-old vocalist is excited that all tickets for the "Run For Your Lives" tour have been sold out. He made sure that his band would show a lot of new things.
"I'm really looking forward to it. We're going to do things we've never done before, and it's going to be an unforgettable tracklist," he said.
"So, I'll see you there. And it won't stop in 2025. It will continue until 2026, because there are some parts of the world that we need to visit, which we can't visit in 2025."
Previously, Iron Maiden promised fans that the upcoming tour would be a spectacular and complicated new show.
Meanwhile, the "Run For Your Lives" world tour will begin with a show in Hungary in May, with a date announced so far to July in Germany.
Dickinson said Iron Maiden's 50th birthday tour will show personnel who provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience for fans.
This is a tour that will make you smile and cheer. If you've seen us before, then be prepared to take that experience to a completely new level. If you've never seen us before, then what are you waiting for? Now is your chance to find out what you've missed! Iron Maiden will definitely beat you," he said.
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