JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, reviewed the implementation of the health protocol (prokes) for the Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) process at the Christian 1 Harapan Middle School, Denpasar City, Bali. Even then, Sigit took the time to have a dialogue with the students to just listen to the feelings related to the face-to-face learning policy.

"Everyone is healthy, how does it feel to be able to meet face-to-face," Sigit asked in the classroom, Saturday, January 15

"I'm very happy, sir. Because I study and meet friends," answered the students in unison.

Then, Sigit also had time to ask questions related to vaccination. Then, the students answered that they had received the second stage of vaccination.

"Everyone is healthy, have you been vaccinated twice or once?" asked Sigit.

"It's been vaccinated twice, sir," answered the students.

In the conversation with the students, Sigit also reminded them to take the PTM moment seriously by studying seriously. So, their dreams come true.

"All of your goals are good, the important thing is to focus on learning to be able to reach your goals, so that you can be the pride of your family, parents. Happy learning, everyone," said Sigit.

Meanwhile, regarding PTM, Sigit emphasized that the implementation of TPM must meet two main requirements to support government policies. For example, the target for vaccination of the general public must be 70 percent and the elderly group must be 60 percent.

"The current government has given a 100 percent PTM policy, of course, to implement 100 percent PTM and vaccinate children, the target of achieving 70 percent of vaccination for the general public and 60 percent for the elderly must be met," said Sigit.

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