MUKOMUKO - The Mukomuko Regency COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Bengkulu Province said that only 524 children aged 6-11 years out of 20,500 children in this area had received the first dose of vaccine.

The spokesperson for the Mukomuko Regency COVID-19 Task Force, Bustam Bustomo, said that these 524 children who had received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine were spread across a number of areas in this area.

He said that of the 524 children aged 6-11 years who had received the first dose of vaccine, only one of them had received the second dose of vaccine.

Furthermore, health workers spread over 17 Public Health Centers in this area together with the local resort police, and the Kodim will continue to carry out COVID-19 vaccinations for children.

He explained that the implementation of child vaccination was adjusted to the schedule of each sub-district in this area because this activity was cross-sectoral in schools and sub-districts.

Then the technical instructions for vaccination for children aged 6-11 years must be accompanied by parents.

Regarding the requirement for schools to hold face-to-face learning, he said, if there is no vaccine until February 1, 2022, then face-to-face teaching and learning activities will be postponed.

He targets COVID-19 vaccination to at least 20,500 children aged 6-11 years in this area by February 2022.

"We are targeting January 2022 for the 1st dose and the second dose for February. So that in February it will be clear, all activities are vaccinating children," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 13.

Meanwhile, up to now as many as 110,496 people or 77.36 percent of the 164,208 local residents who have received the first dose of vaccine.

A total of 110,496 people consist of 1,391 health workers 84,985 public service officers, 5,580 elderly citizens (elderly), and adolescents aged 12-17 years as many as 12,714 people, children 6-11 years old as many as 524 people, and as many as 5,302 residents receiving the Gotong Royong vaccine.

He said that the 84,985 public service officers who had undergone vaccination consisted of personnel from the Kodim, Polres, Brimob, District Attorney, District Court, KPPN, Religious Courts, journalists, BPJS, government employees, BRI, and state civil servants (ASN) within the district government and general public.

However, from a total of 110,496 residents, only 57,048 people have received a complete injection of COVID-19 vaccination, namely dose I and dose II, consisting of 1,232 health workers, 40,998 public service officers, and 2,847 elderly, and 6,675 adolescents. one child, and 5,295 people received the mutual cooperation vaccine.

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