DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster emphasized that vaccination on the Island of the Gods is a priority.

Koster conveyed that the efforts to carry out vaccinations in Bali were immediately handled and led by him. Vaccination in Bali gets priority with the number of vaccines needed in accordance with the number of people who meet the requirements to be vaccinated.

"Initially, the number of people who were vaccinated was 3 million of the 4.3 million population of Bali province or around 70 percent. Then, because Bali became the venue for the G20 international meeting, I asked the President to increase the quota again, which met all the requirements for 12 years and over. which reached 3.4 million met by the Minister of Health, the vaccine was dropped according to the required amount so that the percentage used rose from 70 percent to 79 percent," said Koster at the Bali Regional Representative Council (DPRD) building, Wednesday, January 12.

According to him, of the 3.4 million Balinese who were vaccinated twice, 6.8 million doses of vaccine provided by the government were needed.

"Everything is not lacking. In fact, we haven't run out yet so we have sufficient vaccine stock. The achievement of the first dose of vaccination for ages 12 years and over has now reached 102 percent or 102.4 percent to be precise. The second dose of vaccine has reached 91.3 percent is already high," he added.

Koster said the vaccination rate in Bali was the second highest after DKI Jakarta nationally.

"We are already ranked second nationally out of 34 provinces," he said.

Meanwhile, for the vaccination of children from the age of 6 to 11 years starting on December 15, 2021, it has reached 71 percent.

"And now as of yesterday, it has reached 102 percent, the highest in Indonesia. I almost always have a meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Bali's graph is the highest at 102 percent," he said.

"In other areas, it is still below 50 percent (vaccination). What's the secret, this is management, coordination, communication, intensively with the Pangdam, Regional Police Chief (Kapolda), Regents, and Mayors to the bottom. So that the target is really accelerated for Bali and The results are visible," he said.

Koster said that with the hard work of vaccination on the Island of the Gods, within three months the rate of COVID-19 cases in Bali was still low. Although the Balinese people interact with people outside the island of Bali with domestic tourists visiting.

"The interaction between people outside Bali and Bali, especially visitors from Java coming to Bali, is quite high. But astungkara cases have not increased, the daily average is still four people per day (it's) small," he said.

Meanwhile, the average number of recovered cases is 11 people per day with a cumulative figure reaching 96.4 percent.

“Those who die are rare, mostly zero in one day. Then, the active cases are also stable at double digits, at the hospital about 40 (active cases) others are in centralized isolation. So the development of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Province of Bali is very good. This is the result of our work together," said Koster.

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