Viral Youth Throws And Kicks Offerings On The Semeru Slope, Commission VIII DPR: Just Take Care Of Ourselves With God
Kicked offerings/Screenshot

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Yandri Susanto also commented on a viral video showing the action of a young man throwing and kicking offerings or worship facilities for certain people on the slopes of Mount Semeru. is a pluralistic country. He thinks that youth who are seen wearing a skullcap and sarong should not care about other people's beliefs. "Worship is personal. Everyone doesn't have to interfere, there's no need to intervene in other people's worship. Just take care of ourselves with God. Law is ruled by waliyadin," said Yandri, Monday, January 10. The politician from the National Mandate Party then reminded the concept of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which became a reference for all Indonesian citizens.

"We are Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, many religions are recognized by the state. It may be a ritual of another religion, so we must respect each other," said Yandri. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Lumajang Regency has commented on the video footage of a man throwing and kicking food offerings at the location of the eruption of Mount Semeru.

Head of the Lumajang Regency Ministry of Religion, Muhammad Muslim, suspected that there was an intention to record the video.

"This means that there was a deliberate action from him to cause things that were not conducive in Lumajang," said Muslim, Sunday, January 9.

Muslim himself claimed to have known about the incident from social media. According to him, this action has hurt the harmony in Lumajang.

"If that is true in Lumajang, I deeply regret the incident," he said.

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