JAKARTA - The former president of the Maldives, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, tested positive for COVID-19. This was revealed by Maumoon Abdul Gayoom in his social media accounts.

"Say it will not happen to us except what Allah has set for us. I have tested positive for Covid-19," said Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

However, he asked the public not to worry. Because he is sure that his condition will be fine and recover quickly from this virus.

"May Allah SWT bless me and all other sick people with fast recovery and good health! Aameen !," he said.

Several hours later, he thanked all investigators and colleagues who helped pray for the former president's recovery.

“Alhamdulillah, I feel quite healthy. May Allah protect you from all adversities. Aameen. "

Despite leaving office in 2008, Gayoom's name on the political map of the Maldives is still taken into account today. After retiring, Gayoom, who has led the Maldives for three decades, remains an active political figure.

During his leadership, Gayoom has been known as a figure who speaks out loudly supporting the fight against global warming. The campaign was carried out as an effort to protect the country which is experiencing increasing sea levels every day. If there is no significant effort to fight global warming, the Maldives could be wiped off the face of the earth.

As many people know, the Maldives is a country known for world-class tourism. However, since the COVID-19 outbreak, the tourism industry in Maldives has been completely paralyzed. So far the Maldives has confirmed 6,911 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 28 cases died.

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