JEMBER - The Regent of Jember Hendy Siswanto dismissed or dishonorably dismissed the functional official of the Youth and Sports Service (Dispora) who had just been inaugurated a few days ago, Bagus Wantoro. Good Status apparently convicted of corruption.
"On Thursday, we issued the Jember Regent's Decree in the form of dishonorable dismissal as an ASN to Bagus Wantoro who was found guilty of a corruption case," said Hendy at a press conference held at Pendapa Wahyawibawagraha Jember, East Java, Antara, Friday, 7 January.
He said that the corruption case committed by the Jember Regency Government official occurred long before he led the Jember Regency.
"The decision has been confirmed with the cassation decision No. 1406K/PID.SUS/2015 which was decided by the Supreme Court on May 2, 2016 that Bagus Wantoro has been found guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption," he said.
Although the decision has permanent legal force, the Jember Regency ASN corruption convict has not been executed by law enforcement officials until 2021.
Bagus still serves as an ASN for the Jember Regency Government, even at the inauguration of functional officials which will be held on December 31, 2021, Regent Hendy still inducts Bagus as one of the analysts at the Jember Youth and Sports Office.
"For this reason, I dismissed the person concerned without respect in order to maintain the dignity of the Jember Regency Government Pendapa always remains authoritative and trustworthy, especially all ranks of the Regency Government bureaucracy are free from corruption," he said.
According to the Supreme Court's decision, Bagus Wantoro was sentenced to 5 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million with a subsidiary of 6 months in prison.
"The decision we made is in accordance with the latest provisions, ASN who was sentenced to a corruption case and has permanent legal force, regardless of the sentence will be immediately dismissed from the status of state servants," he said.
Based on the decision to dishonorably discharge and the decision of cassation from the Supreme Court which has permanent legal force, he continued, all aspects and obligations arising as legal consequences are the full responsibility of Bagus Wantoro.
"Regarding the execution process of those concerned as convicts of corruption in the decision, then it is the authority of law enforcement agencies," he said.
Hendy said himself as the Regent of Jember will always provide full support to the ranks of law enforcement agencies for all law enforcement efforts in the Jember Regency Government.
"Don't doubt my concern for anti-corruption efforts. The MCP (Monitoring Center for Prevention) ranking of the Jember Regency in 2020 is in the last rank or 38th in regencies/cities in East Java, but in 2021 it will rise to 6th place," he said.
He explained that the existence of a legal case of corruption experienced by the ASN of the Jember Regency Government must be a very important and valuable lesson to realize good and clean governance.
"This case is also a strong warning to anyone ASN of the Jember Regency Government bureaucracy not to play with corruption which is very detrimental not only to state finances, but also destroys development for the people of Jember," he said.
The case that ensnared Bagus Wantoro was a corruption case in the procurement of educational facilities using the 2010 Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and the person concerned worked at the Jember Education Office.
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