JAKARTA - As many as 61 foreign nationals (WNA) were deported from various cities in Papua, for committing immigration and legal violations.

The 61 people who were deported were mostly Papua New Guinean nationals, namely 54 people who were carried out by the Jayapura Immigration Office, 23 people, 19 people from the Jayapura Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim), and two people deported from Kanim Merauke, said Head of the Immigration Division of the Kemenkumham Papua Novianto Sulastono, in Jayapura, as reported by Antara on Thursday, January 6.

He explained, apart from Papua New Guinean citizens, there were also eight Chinese citizens, two Dutch and Ukrainian citizens, three Kazakh citizens, and one Italian and Sri Lankan national.

The 61 foreigners, apart from being deported to their country via Jakarta, are also included in the list of people who have been banned.

The number of foreigners who were deported has decreased compared to 2020, which was recorded at 116 people, 99 of whom are Papua New Guinean nationals.

"Many Papua New Guinean citizens have been deported because they finished serving their sentences and entered without documents," said Novianto Sulastono.

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