KAPUAS - The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) and the Kapuas Regency Fire Department, Central Kalimantan, are still aggressively controlling traders who violate the rules by selling in random places.

"Because this has violated the Kapuas Regency Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 5 of 2011 concerning Public Order, Cleanliness and Parks," said Head of the Kapuas Regency Satpol PP and Fireworks, Syahripin during the control in Kuala Kapuas, Antara, Wednesday, January 5.

This decisive action was taken because his party had repeatedly warned traders to always obey the rules contained in the regional regulations.

"Merchandise belonging to traders who violate the regional regulation is temporarily secured for further processing and we ask the traders to come to the office for guidance, with the hope that later the traders will be able to comply with regional regulations," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Order Section who led the control operation for Suberdi, added that this time the control was carried out in the Market area in the Jalan Mawar and Jalan Jenderal Sudirman area.

"In this order, there are five traders whose merchandise we have secured and all of them can be retrieved later when processed by the Regional Regulation Enforcement Sector," he said.

Through the existing activities, his party hopes that traders will continue to obey existing regulations for the sake of public order, cleanliness and beauty of Kuala Kapuas City.

"Let's together maintain public order, cleanliness and the beauty of this beloved city, so that it looks good and beautiful for the sake of togetherness," said Suberdi.

The control activities were carried out in a conducive manner. Traders understand the actions taken by local governments in structuring and supervising.

Traders whose stalls were secured by officers were asked to come to the Satpol PP and Jalan Ahmad Yani Firefighters Office, Kuala Kapuas City.

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