JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) submitted a request for an injection of non-cash state capital participation (PMN) in the form of state property (BMN) worth IDR 4.18 trillion.

The proposed central government capital participation (PMPP) consists of natural gas network assets (jargas) and gas refueling stations (SPBG) worth IDR 4.17 trillion, as well as refuelling hydrant assets at aircraft charging depots (DPPU) worth IDR 12.45 billion.

Pertamina Finance Director Emma Srimenjelaskan, jargas dan SPBG tersebut merupakan aset-asset yang dibangun oleh Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) pada 20182021.

Meanwhile, the revolving hydrant DPPU is an asset belonging to the Ministry of Transportation. The assets are in the form of facilities and facilities for fuel hydrants at the Juanda DPPU worth Rp9.4 billion and DPPU Hasanuddin Rp3.04 billion.

"This is an infrastructure for avtur refueling at the DPPU Juanda and Hasanuddin airports. This has also been used by subholding colleagues," said Emma, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, July 2.

Emma explained that this jargas and SPBG had become PMN to Pertamina in the 2012 '2023 period, with a total value of almost IDR 6 trillion.

Some of them are DPPU assets from the Ministry of Transportation and most of them are gas and SPBG from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

The infrastructure of SPBG and jargas is spread the most in West Java, Central Java, East Java, and several areas in Sumatra and Kalimantan.

Emma said, for jargas and SPBG facilities and infrastructure consisting of 82 jargas sections, 1 SPBG and 1 SPBG pipeline infrastructure package, whose conditions require improvement and additional investment is needed.

The management of BMN jargas is carried out by gas subholding, namely PGN, while for 1 unit of SPBG and supporting pipeline infrastructure, Pertamina is still managed.

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