JAKARTA - The National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan) has urged the police to take action against consumers of Cassandra Angelie with the Law on Trafficking in Persons (TPPO).

This is in response to the alleged prostitution case that ensnared the artist. In this case, the Polda Metro Jaya applied multiple layers of articles to Cassandra Angelie and her three pimps, including Article 2 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 21 of 2017 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in Persons.

"Komnas Perempuan is in a position to remind the police to also reach out to users as mandated in the TIP Law," said Komnas Perempuan Chair Andy Yentriyani in a written statement quoted from the official website, Wednesday, January 5.

Andy said that in terms of human trafficking, there should be three parties involved, namely the perpetrators of human trafficking, those who are used as commodities, and the users.

"These three parties are legal subjects in TIP. Users can also be punished as stipulated in Article 12 of the TIP Law," he said. The article reads as follows:

"Everyone who uses or exploits the victim of a criminal act of trafficking in persons by having sexual intercourse or other obscene acts with a victim of a criminal act of trafficking in persons shall be punished with the same punishment as referred to in Article 2, Article 3, Article 4, Article 5, and Article 6."

So, when referring to the article alleged against Angelie, the consumer should be subject to a minimum imprisonment of three years and a maximum of 15 million and a minimum fine of Rp. 120 million and a maximum of Rp. 600 million.

"Therefore, Komnas Perempuan's statement to apply Article 12 of the TPPI Law is not excessive and is instead intended to strengthen the initial police statement and explain that there is no legal vacuum to take legal action against users of TIP victims," said Andry.

Not only that, the application of punishment for Angelie's consumers can be a step to prevent trafficking in persons for prostitution from happening again. "Komnas Perempuan also believes that disclosing who the users are can be very effective in preventing human trafficking," she said.

"Moreover, these users have a good social status considering the costs they incur are not small," added Andry.

As previously reported, Cassandra Angelie was arrested at a hotel in the Central Jakarta area. He was involved in online prostitution cases.

From the results of the examination, Cassandra Angelie charged Rp. 30 million for one date. Even though he has been named a suspect, he is not detained and is only obliged to report.

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