PONTIANAK - The panel of judges at the Surabaya District Court sentenced two former officials of the National Land Agency (BPN) of the West Kalimantan Province, Siswidodo and Gusmin Tuarita to four years in prison. Both are involved in corruption cases.

In a brief excerpt of the verdict monitored on the http://sipp.pn-surabayakota.go.id page in Pontianak, Wednesday, January 5, both of them were legally and convincingly proven to have committed criminal acts of corruption both jointly and continuously as well as other money-laundering criminal acts.

Siswidodo previously served as Head of Land Rights and Land Registration at the West Kalimantan Provincial BPN Regional Office, while Gusmin Tuarita had been the West Kalimantan Provincial BPN Head.

Gusmin Tuarita case number 54/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN Sby, with presiding judge Johanis Hehamony, public prosecutor Hendra Eka Saputra. For the Siswidodo case, case number 53/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN Sby, the prosecutor Hendra Eka Saputra and the panel of judges were also chaired by Johanis Hehamony.

Both were sentenced on the same date, namely December 24, 2021, at the Surabaya District Court. Reporting from Antara, Siswidodo has been legally and convincingly proven guilty of joint and continuing corruption and the crime of money laundering (TPPU) jointly and concurrently.

Siswidodo was sentenced to imprisonment for 4 (four) years and a fine of IDR (two hundred million rupiahs), provided that if the fine was not paid, it was replaced with imprisonment for 2 (two) months.

The judge also stipulates that the period of arrest and detention that has been served by the defendant is deducted entirely from the sentence imposed. In addition, Siswidodo must pay replacement money of IDR 17.27 billion which will be deducted from the value of assets in the form of land and buildings seized for the state.

With the stipulation that if the defendant does not pay the replacement money within 1 (one) month after the court's decision has obtained permanent legal force, then his property can be confiscated by the prosecutor and auctioned off to cover the replacement money, if it is not sufficient, he will be punished with imprisonment for 1 (one) year.

Meanwhile, Gusmin Tuarita is also the same as Siwidodo, and was sentenced to prison for 4 (four) years and a fine of IDR 200 million provided that if it is not paid, it is replaced with imprisonment for 2 (two) months.

The period of arrest and detention that has been served by the defendant is deducted entirely from the sentence imposed, and the defendant remains in custody.

In addition, the judge sentenced Gusmin Tuarita to an additional sentence of IDR 11.79 billion in compensation at the latest within one month after this decision has permanent legal force.

If the convict does not pay, his property is confiscated and auctioned by the prosecutor to cover the replacement money with the stipulation that if the convict does not have sufficient assets, he is sentenced to imprisonment for 1 (one) year.

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