Sukabumi Regency Finally Has PPKM Level I Status

SUKABUMI - The Sukabumi Regency Government's efforts, which were assisted by various institutions to boost vaccination rates and prevent the spread of COVID-19, have finally paid off because they now have the status of level I implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM).

"The determination of PPKM level I is in accordance with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) RI Number 01 of 2022 concerning PPKM Level III, Level II, and Level I Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the Java and Bali Regions," said the Public Relations of Sukabumi Regency COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force Eneng Yulia in Sukabumi, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

According to Eneng, the success of Sukabumi Regency in holding PPKM level I status is thanks to the cooperation of all parties, especially the Sukabumi Regency Government which focuses on implementing the COVID-19 vaccine program for the community plus assistance from elements of the Police (Polres Sukabumi), TNI, business bands, communities to individual.

Meanwhile, Sukabumi Regent Marwan Hamami said vaccination achievement was one indicator to determine the status of PPKM in each region, therefore his party is still aggressively carrying out vaccinations for the community even though the achievement has exceeded the target, which is at least 70 percent of the target until the end of 2021.

"At the end of 2021, the vaccination achievement in Sukabumi Regency has reached 71 percent, of course, we appreciate all those who have helped in the effort to accelerate the vaccination process for the community," said Marwan.

He added that although the vaccination achievement rate was above 70 percent, from the evaluation results there were still several sub-districts, one of which was Gegerbitung District, which had a low vaccination rate.

Therefore, for sub-districts whose vaccination achievement is still low, his party has instructed the relevant agencies to be more aggressive in conducting socialization regarding the importance of carrying out vaccinations, but if it is still low, due to residents' reluctance to undergo vaccination, it is possible for intervention from the provincial and even central governments to increase achievement.

The main goal of the central and local governments is to carry out vaccination programs for the community to accelerate the formation of group or communal immunity (herd immunity) in the community so that they can break the chain of spreading this deadly virus.

In addition to Sukabumi Regency, areas in West Java that have PPKM level I status according to Inmendagri Number 1/2022 are Purwakarta Regency, Pangandaran Regency, Tasikmalaya City, Banjar City, Cirebon Regency and Ciamis Regency.

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