JAKARTA - China said it would continue to modernize its nuclear arsenal and asked the United States and Russia to reduce their stockpiles of nuclear weapons, Tuesday, just a day after global powers pledged to prevent the spread of such weapons.

In a joint statement that rarely ruled out rising East-West tensions, the United States, China, Russia, Britain, and France reaffirmed their goals of creating a world free of atomic weapons and avoiding nuclear conflict.

The five nuclear powers also committed to the future full disarmament of atomic weapons, which were only used in the conflict in the US bombing of Japan at the end of World War II.

But aligning that rhetoric with reality will not be easy at a time when tensions are rising between these same global powers. There is growing global concern about China's military modernization, especially after its armed forces announced last year it had developed a hypersonic missile that can fly at five times the speed of sound.

Meanwhile, the United States has also said China is expanding its nuclear arsenal with as many as 700 warheads by 2027 and possibly 1,000 by 2030.

On Tuesday, China defended its nuclear weapons policy, saying Russia and the United States, by far the world's largest nuclear powers, should make the first steps towards disarmament.

"The US and Russia still have 90 percent of the nuclear warheads on Earth", Fu Cong, director-general of the Arms Control Department at China's Foreign Ministry, told reporters, citing CNA from AFP on January 4.

"They must reduce their nuclear arsenal in an irreversible and legally binding manner", he stressed.

On that occasion, Fu retaliated against Washington's accusations.

"Regarding the statements made by the US that China is greatly increasing its nuclear capabilities, this is not true. China has always adopted a no-first-use policy and we maintain our nuclear capabilities at the minimum level necessary for our national security", he said.

"China will continue to modernize its nuclear arsenal for reliability and security concerns", Fu added.

Relations between Beijing and Washington have recently been strained over a range of issues, including China's intention to reunite independently ruled Taiwan - by force if necessary.

However, Fu dismissed speculation about the possible deployment of nuclear weapons near the Taiwan Strait.

"Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent, they are not for war or combat", he said.

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