BANDUNG - The West Java (Jabar) Police investigator team named Bahar Smith (BS) as a suspect in the case of spreading false information or hoaxes based on his lecture in Bandung Regency.

Director of the Special Criminal Investigation of the West Java Regional Police Kombes Arief Rachman said the investigative team had found two valid pieces of evidence and supported the determination of BS as a suspect.

"Thus, investigators have been able to increase the legal status of brother BS and brother TR to become suspects," said Arief at the West Java Police Headquarters, Bandung City, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 4.

According to him, Bahar was charged with Article 14 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law Number 1 of 1946 regarding Criminal Law Regulations in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code, and or Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code, and or Article 28 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45a of the ITE Law (Information and Electronic Transactions) in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

Bahar has also been questioned for almost 11 hours at the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the West Java Police since Monday at 12.30 WIB. Meanwhile, Bahar's announcement as a suspect was made by the investigative team on Monday night, at 23.30 WIB.

Kombes Arief said, with the determination of the suspect, Bahar was immediately arrested and immediately detained. The reason, he said, was the threat of punishment for Bahar based on the article that was applied, namely five years in prison or more.

Besides Bahar, according to him, the man who uploaded the lecture video with the initials TR was also named a suspect. TR is applied under the same article.

Arief explained that the legal process against Bahar was based on a police report numbered B 6354/12/2021 SPKT PMJ 2021.

Bahar was reported by someone with the initials TNA due to an alleged spread of false information while giving a lecture in Margaasih District, Bandung Regency, West Java on December 11, 2021.

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