JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) Dr. Edi Hasibuan supports West Java Police investigators to carry out legal proceedings against Habib Bahar bin Smith regarding alleged hate speech.

In a written statement in Jakarta, Saturday night, January 1, Edi said the West Java Regional Police acted according to procedures in upgrading Bahar's legal status from the investigation stage to an investigation.

This means, he said, West Java Police investigators in handling this case already have enough evidence to proceed legally.

The West Java Regional Police has issued a notification letter for the start of an investigation (SPDP) in the hate test case conducted by Habib Bahar during a lecture in Bandung.

According to this former member of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas), the police as state apparatus in law enforcement have an obligation to carry out legal proceedings against anyone who violates the law without knowing who he is.

"Because every citizen has the same position before the law. Every time there is an alleged violation of the law, the police must not ignore it," he said.

He said the public hoped that there should be no hate speech, including against state officials.

"People don't want to spread slander and incitement and carry out provocations. Because such an act is a clear violation of the law," he said.

According to this police observer, every time he sees a violation of the law, the police must also not discriminate in law enforcement.

"This means that anyone who violates the law must be processed. Whether later proven guilty or not, that will be the domain of the court," said this criminal law lecturer.

He asked that in the legal process, all parties must adhere to the principle of presumption of innocence.

Previously, the West Java Police had scheduled a summons for Habib Bahar on Monday, January 3, 2022. However, Habib Bahar was still a witness.

The West Java Police have examined 50 witnesses and expert witnesses and confiscated six pieces of evidence.

The evidence will be sent to the National Police's Digital Forensic Laboratory for immediate examination.

However, the police have not explained the material for hate speech that will ensnare Habib Bahar bin Smith.

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