MALUKU - Archaeologists from the Maluku Archaeological Center, Karyamantha Surbakti, said that many relics of World War II owned by Morotai Island Regency, North Maluku Province have the potential to be developed. With that relic, Morotai can
become one of the tourism corridors for the outermost region of Indonesia.
"Morotai Island can be developed to become one of the tourism corridors for the outermost regions of Indonesia and be matched with the concept of cultural tourism involving the local community," he said in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, December 28.
Morotai Island Regency has many relics related to the Pacific War or World War II. To implement the preservation and management of the remaining historical traces, he said, the area could be developed into a tourism corridor for the outermost regions of Indonesia.
The tour packages can be combined with local traditions and culture. For example, many war remains are still found in several villages in Morotai such as in Daruba, Darame and Gothalamo.
In addition, he said, the concept of tourism must also be supported by imaging through creative jargons that are presented to the wider public, thereby encouraging tourists to visit.
"The community has its own pride if Morotai as a historic area in national and global scope, becomes part of their local identity, as well as an alternative to fulfill their economic needs," he said.
He added that Morotai in the focus of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) must be packaged in line with regional policies. The central and regional governments must synergize and have one vision to strengthen the tourism narrative that offers the nuances of a historic battlefield.
"Through Law Number 24 of 1999 which has been amended through Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, every province, regency/city has the right and is at the same time responsible for managing the potential wealth in its region for the prosperity of the people," said Karyamantha.
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