JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information, Jhonny G. Plate, promised the availability of 4G-based internet services that reach all corners of Indonesia in 2022.

"By the end of 2022, 4G signal services will be available in all corners of the country, even though they reach the disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost areas or 3T," said Johnny in a live broadcast of the Kemkominfo TV YouTube account, Saturday, August 22.

The fulfillment of internet network affordability, said Johnny, was included in the frame of the national agenda during the 5 years of Joko Widodo's administration, namely the acceleration of national digital transformation.

The target for providing internet services is based on the fact that there are still 12,548 villages and sub-districts, as well as 1,560 public service locations that have not received adequate internet network coverage.

"Therefore, we want to increase the ratio internetification, internet disparity between people and between regions, and the provision of high-speed internet," said Johnny.

In addition, Johnny also said that the government would create a national data center that would facilitate data integration in Indonesia.

"We know that so far the issue of program implementation, including social protection and health services, is a national data issue," said Johnny.

Therefore, Jhonny considers that the government needs a single data container and fulfills its role through electronic government. This is done by building a national data center.

Not only that, Johnny also said that the government would strengthen the digital economy system. The method is by exploiting MSMEs, farmers, fishermen, and so on by developing the use of digital technology as a marketing system.

"This includes education related to economic migration, from physical to digital space, which from time to time continues to increase," he said.

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