CIANJUR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cianjur, West Java, noted that 37 houses and a mosque in Cimanggu Village, Cibeber District, were heavily damaged by a tornado.

"There were no casualties, but dozens of family heads were forced to evacuate", said Cianjur BPBD Secretary, Rudi Labis, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 27.

His party immediately sent officers to the hurricane disaster location to collect data on damaged houses and help residents get rid of large trees that fell on residents' houses.

"It was recorded that 37 families were forced to evacuate temporarily, the tornado that hit four villages in Cimanggu Village, occurred Sunday afternoon, until Monday morning residents had started repairing the roofs of most of the houses that were damaged", he said.

Rudi explained material losses due to hurricanes are estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah. Meanwhile, most of the displaced residents have started to return to their respective homes, after the residents worked together to repair the roofs of houses that were lightly and moderately damaged.

As for residents whose houses were heavily damaged, up to now, they are still staying at the homes of their relatives, while waiting for help with house repairs.

Meanwhile, the Head of Cibeber Sub-district, Epi Rusmana, said that the tornado occurred after heavy rains with high intensity hit the area. In the afternoon suddenly a tornado raged and damaged dozens of residents' houses and several other buildings.

"The tornado was raging for several minutes, destroying most of the roofs of the house and knocking down a fairly large tree in Pasir Jeruk Village, one house was heavily damaged by a tree", he said.

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