JAKARTA - The team of formulating the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill (RUU) and the labor union produced four points of understanding in addressing the bill. Particularly related to the employment cluster.

This understanding is based on a meeting held on August 20-21. One of the points is that the factions involved in the Work Committee (Panja) of the Job Creation Bill will include the substance points of the labor / worker union in the problem inventory list (DIM).

Deputy chairman of the DPR RI, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad said, with regard to labor relations that are more adaptive to industrial development, the regulations can be included in the Job Creation Bill and be open to public input.

Next, the drafting team agreed that the labor criminal sanction was returned in accordance with the Manpower Law Number 13 of 2003.

"With regard to the labor criminal sanctions in the Work Creation Bill, it is returned in accordance with the provisions of the Manpower Law Number 13 of 2003, with a process that is carefully considered," he said, at a press conference, at Hotel Mulia, Jakarta, Friday, August 21.

Dasco hopes that everything that has been announced and agreed upon here can be implemented in the Job Creation Bill which will be discussed by the DPR in the near future.

On the same occasion, President of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal said the union would continue to monitor the discussion of the Job Creation Bill, particularly the labor cluster. He hopes that the aspirations of the unions involved in the drafting team will be properly addressed.

"For us, the DPR has worked to accommodate the aspirations of the people. Regarding the results we will continue to follow it seriously, because for us results are also important. But at least the process of accommodating this formulation team was initiated by Mr. Willy (Deputy Chairman of Baleg Willy Aditya. ), the big team is Pak Dasco's initiation, we appreciate it, "he said.

Furthermore, Said Iqbal said the drafting team and the labor union had produced several agreements. However, an agreement has not been stated, because later it will continue to be a process.

"The employment cluster is a cluster of worker protection throughout Indonesia. The labor force that will enter the labor market will also be protected in the labor cluster. If possible the labor cluster will be removed from the Job Creation Bill, if possible it is discussed in the revision of the relevant law and other matters that can be discussed, "he said.

The details of the four points of understanding of the DPR drafting team and the labor union are:

The DPR and the confederation of trade / labor unions in the team for formulating the workforce cluster on the Job Creation Bill resulted in an understanding:

1. With regard to the content of the Employment Cluster on the Job Creation Bill for which there is already a Constitutional Court decision, concerning:

a. a certain time work agreement;

b. wage;

c. severance pay;

d. work relationship;

e. Layoffs;

f. settlement of industrial relations disputes;

g. social Security;

h. and other content related to the Constitutional Court decision; must be based on a decision of the Constitutional Court which is final and binding

2. With regard to labor criminal sanctions in the Work Creation Bill, it is returned in accordance with the provisions of the Manpower Act No.13 of 2003, with a process that is carefully considered.

3. With regard to labor relations that are more adaptive to industrial development, the regulations can be included in the Job Creation Bill and be open to public input.

4. The factions will enter the material points submitted by the trade union / labor union into the Problem Inventory List (DIM) of the Faction.

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