JAKARTA - The newly elected General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) is expected to protect NU from practical political interests.

Gus Yahya must be able to fulfill his promise to PWNU, PCNU, and PCINU, namely to lead a neutral and independent NU.

“The 1926 Khitah orientation became a political promise that Kiai Yahya had to fulfill. However, PBNU still has a moral responsibility to maintain the direction of politics and democracy in Indonesia by playing a strategic role in the context of national politics," said Lecturer of Political Science and International Studies at Paramadina University A Khoirul Umam when contacted in Jakarta, Friday, December 24.

"NU should not be trapped in practical politics," he stressed.

The 1926 khitah refers to a shared commitment to keep NU in line with the spirit when the organization was founded in 1926, which is not to be trapped in practical politics, but to apply the politics of nationhood and ummah.

To achieve this goal, Umam, who once served as Chair of Tanfidz PCINU Queensland, Australia, said that Gus Yahya must ensure that NU always upholds Wasathiyah Islam (tolerant and moderate) in the democratic space in Indonesia.

These values, according to Umam, need to be strengthened to deal with political economy forces that take advantage of conservative and fundamentalist Islamic sentiments, especially at the time of the general election.

"NU is an anchor, protector, as well as a melting point for all moderate Islamic forces in Indonesia so that the exploitation of identity politics through hoaxes, fake news, and hate speech that has flooded the digital democratic space in the country is optimally neutralized," explained Umam. .

Gus Yahya was elected as the chairman of PBNU in the voting that took place at the 34th NU Congress in Lampung, Friday.

KH Yahya got 337 superior votes from incumbent KH Said Aqil who got 210 votes out of a total of 548 votes, both from PWNU, PCNU, and PCINU.

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