RIAU - Riau Governor H Syamsuar prohibits the operation of all official vehicles within the Riau Provincial Government during the year-end holidays, Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022. These official vehicles must enter the garage on December 23, 2021 to January 2, 2022.

The ban is based on the Riau Governor's Circular Number 024/BPKAD/3424 regarding the anticipation of the mobilization of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) movement during the 2021 Christmas and 2022 New Year holidays.

"The collection of official cars is left entirely to each Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD)," said Head of the Riau Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD), Indra in Pekanbaru, Antara, Friday, December 24.

All official cars of echelon III and IV officials have been collected starting today. According to the direction of the Governor of Riau, all ASN during Christmas and New Year are also not allowed to leave the city, except for official matters.

"However, for official purposes, exceptions are made for collecting official vehicles, such as the Regional Secretary, assistants and expert staff in the Riau Province regional secretariat, the head of regional apparatus in the Riau Provincial Government," he said.

The exceptions were continued with operational service vehicles in the following OPD, such as the health office, Arifin Achmad Hospital, Petala Bumi Hospital and Tampan Hospital, the transportation service, public works department, spatial planning, housing, residential areas and land.

Next, the Department of Communication, Information and Statistics, the Department of Manpower and Transmigration, the Regional Disaster Management Agency. Then, the Civil Service Police Unit, the General Bureau of the Regional Secretariat, the Administrative Bureau of the Regional Secretariat Leadership, the Regional Property Management Bureau.

The head of the Riau Provincial Education Office, Kamsol, said that after receiving a letter from the direct leadership, he immediately collected all the official cars used by echelon officials in the Riau Education Office.

"Currently, those who have collected cars, there are about 8 units of Avanza cars, and 3 units of Navara pickups. According to the governor's direction, all official cars are collected until January 2, then they can be taken back for official business," said Kamsol.

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