YOGYAKARTA - Caring for facial skin properly is an important step to maintain skin health and beauty. In skincare routines, one of the questions that often arise is: first sunscreen or moisturizer first? This question may seem simple, but the right answer can make a big difference in the effectiveness of your skin care.

Reducing And Sunscreen Functions

Before determining the sequence of uses, it is important to understand the functions of these two products. The moisturizer has a major role to play in maintaining skin moisture, preventing drought, and improving the skin's natural protective layer. The moisturizer helps lock in hydration and protect the skin from environmental influences that can cause irritation and premature aging.

On the other hand, sunscreen or sunscreen functions to protect the skin from exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) light. UV radiation can cause skin damage such as premature aging, black spots, and even skin cancer. Sunscreen helps reflect or absorb UV light before reaching deeper layers of the skin.

Most dermatologists agree that moisturizers must be applied before sunscreen. The reason is as follows:

1. Maximize Nutrition Absorption

The moisturizer contains active ingredients such as ceramide, hyaluronic acid, or niacinamide that aims to repair and soften the skin. In order for this active material to work effectively, moisturizers must come into direct contact with clean skin. If sunscreen is applied first, the layer of protection formed will prevent the absorption of nutrients from moisturizing.

2. Prevent Mutual Sunscreen

Using a moisturizer after sunscreen can cause the sunscreen layer to shift or mix, which reduces the effectiveness of UV light protection. Therefore, sunscreen should always be in the last layer to form a direct barrier between the skin and sun exposure.

3. Optimizing Skin Hydration

Lock hydration with moisturizer before the sunscreen application ensures the skin remains hydrated despite exposure to the sun. Sunscreen is not designed to provide moisture, so a combination with moisturizer is essential for optimal skin health.

How To Apply True Sunscreen And Relieves

After knowing that the answer is a moisturizer first, here are the correct use steps:

Why Is Skincare Important?

The order of use of skincare products is designed to maximize the effectiveness of each product. Using sunscreen first or moisturizing first with the wrong order can reduce the expected benefits. The moisturizer implemented after sunscreen can reduce the effectiveness of UV protection, while the last applied sunscreen will work optimally to protect the outermost layer of the skin.

Selain itu, penting untuk memilih sunscreen yang sesuai dengan jenis kulit Anda. Untuk kulit oily, gunakan sunscreen berbasis gel atau yang berlabel non-komedogenic. Sementara untuk kulit kering, sunscreen dengan kandungan pelembab tambahan bisa menjadi pilihan terbaik.

In the skin care routine, the question of sunscreen first or moisturizing has been clearly answered. Always apply moisturizer first to maintain skin moisture, followed by sunscreen as the last layer of protection from UV light. In this way, your skin will get maximum protection while still hydrating throughout the day. Don't forget to always use sunscreen every day, even when the weather is cloudy or in the room, to keep your skin healthy and youthful.

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