SURAKARTA - Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Doctor Hasto Wardoyo, confirmed the Head of the Central Java Province PKK Mobilization Team, Atikoh Ganjar Pranowo, as the Mother of Genre (Generation Planning), as well as being the Ambassador for Stunting Reduction. The inauguration took place at The Royal Surakarta Heritage, Thursday, December 23.

"I hope that Mother Genre, who is also the Ambassador for Central Java's Stunting Reduction, can give attention and guidance to teenagers so that they can become smart, healthy future parents, then later they can give birth to quality children. "Education is too four, namely not to get pregnant and give birth too young, too old, too often, and too close," said Hasto.

According to the Head of the BKKBN, the stunting reduction ambassador will also be able to provide support and guidance to Family Assistance Teams that have been formed in all villages and all agents of change in Central Java Province, in an effort to accelerate stunting reduction.

In this activity, Doctor Hasto also confirmed 35 PKK Mobilizing Team Leaders from Regencies and Cities in Central Java Province who are also GenRe Mothers to become Stunting Reduction Ambassadors in their respective regions.

The head of the Central Java Province PKK Mobilization Team, Atikoh Ganjar Pranowo explained, "When it comes to handling stunting, we must start from upstream, it is important that we collaborate and synergize with youth through the existing GenRe (Generation Planning) Forum."

According to her, adolescent resilience is very important because if the resilience of adolescents and their families is strong, the resilience of the state will be strong. Moreover, currently facing a demographic bonus, so that human resources must be prepared early on.

“Teenagers must have high aspirations, because with that they have dreams. To achieve that dream, of course, one must be able to plan the stages. Education is the key to breaking the chain of child marriage, pursue your diploma before you chase after your wedding dress," said Atikoh.

Attending the activity entitled Stunting Prevention Socialization from Upstream for Bride and Groom Candidates. Head of Regency/City Ministry of Religion Office, KB Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD-KB), Regency/City Health Office throughout Central Java Province. Meanwhile, from the BKKBN, Deputy was present. Family Welfare and Family Empowerment (KSPK) Nopian Andusti; Deputy of Advocacy, Mobilization and Information (ADPIN), Sukaryo Teguh Santoso and Head of the Central Java BKKBN Representative, Widwiono.

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